Women comprising half of the population, more than half of workforce and controlling maximum number of consumer spending, can actually leverage their innate strength, overcome barriers and build relationships that drive growth in their businesses and carriers. Despite all the efforts for women empowerment, there has been virtually no advancement of women in business/ as entrepreneurs. “Progress isn’t just slowed, it’s stalled”. This can be confronted through committed effort in COLLABORATING and building NETWORKING STRATEGIES. It

will gradually help us advance at work, start new venture, give recognition and promote our business and thus achieve our entrepreneurial goals. One of the important factors that need to be addressed for women entrepreneurial development is “improved promotional, developmental and marketing strategies”. This can be done through:

# Continuous attempt to inspire, encourage, motivate and cooperate women

# establishing forums/uniting to discuss grievances, issues, methodologies and strategies to overcome constraints and shortcomings that comes in the path of economic progress.

The greatest Mantra should be “Lets Empower Each Other to Empower Ourselves”. This Mantra is also government recognised as they changed their women policy making approach from welfare to development and now to empowerment through collective effort. This can become more relevant if we are educated, informed and most importantly organised as a group to leave a potential mark in the business sphere.