Behind the most significant problems of India- poverty starvation, corruption, environmental pollution, and climatic change, there are characteristic of patriarchal society, the extension of power, superstitious beliefs, the acquisition of resources and confinement to four walls, women remain, perhaps, the worlds most under utilised resource.

The transformation of social fabric of the Indian society, in terms of increased educational status of women and varied aspirations for better living, necessitated a change in the life style of women. She has competed with man and successfully stood up with him in every walk of life, business is no exception for this. The need of the hour is “investment of women time for Economic Power”, their entrepreneurship activities strengthens their autonomy and influence in the personal and economic scope. Entrepreneurship has been a male-dominated phenomenon from the very early age, but time is changing the situation and bringing women as today’s most memorable and inspirational entrepreneurs.It is estimated that women entrepreneurs presently comprise about 10% of the total number of entrepreneurs in India itself, which is alarming, for one of the World’s Powerful Nation. The figures must rise and women who have potential to become entrepreneurs should contribute to Indian and World GDP.

Women entrepreneurs see the world through a different lens and, in turn, do things in a different manner. We have several reasons why women entrepreneurs have a fantastic future in the upcoming era:

-Women are better connectors and possess proficiency in networking.

-Women are perfectionists and never settle for mediocre results. -Multitasking has been in their blood since ages.

-They build businesses that deliver value for multiple stakeholders – customers, employees, investors, and founders.

-Women think success comes from hard work not just from being “awesome.”

-Women share the credit. They build companies where employees feel valued for their contributions and input.

– They work in a calculated and well thought out manner.

-Women know the articulate methodologies to balance profession and personal life.

And when we speak of women’s economic empowerment we refer to women’s economic rights including equal access to: ownership of and control over land, property, productive assets and resources including finance and capacity building and access on an equal basis as men to decent work and full and productive employment; their economic independence or full ability to freely assert their autonomy and exercise their choices; and their full access to decision making in all economic decisions that affect their lives and the lives of their families, communities and societies.

The need of the hour is to strengthen our entrepreneur skills and generate tools to ensure that women-led businesses flourish in this decade. Studies are showing that when women gain access to their own financial freedom, they are lifted out of poverty, children begin to become healthier, and the overall economic status of a country improves.

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