In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, a transformative force emerged in 2017 with the establishment of the Women Entrepreneurs Foundation (WE). This empowering journey began with the vision of two dynamic Indian lawyers, Manvi Rajvanshy and Vikas Nagwan, who sought to elevate women as mainstream business owners across borders.
As WE unfolded its wings, the foundation’s mission became clear: to amplify the visibility of female-owned brands and accelerate their global business expansion. The heartbeat of this movement lies in the Business Growth Programs (BGP) meticulously crafted by WE, offering not just a roadmap for business development but also a platform for networking and community building.
The success stories started pouring in from regional business promotion chapters that WE established with zeal. These chapters became a melting pot of ideas, fostering collaboration and creating social-awareness among female-owned SMEs worldwide. From technology to fashion, the impact of these chapters echoed in diverse industries, showcasing the strength and resilience of women entrepreneurs.
WE, however, did not stop at traditional entrepreneurship. In 2019, they introduced the groundbreaking concept of “Studentpreneurship.” The WE Student Centre, a hub of innovation and mentorship in collaboration with educational institutions, aimed to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit within students venturing into startups. This forward-thinking approach laid the foundation for the next generation of women leaders and innovators.
A monumental move on March 8, 2020, marked a new chapter for WE. The inauguration of the Virtual Centre for Research & Development in New Delhi became a symbolic hub for identifying challenges, publishing observations, and providing suggestions and solutions to promote Women Entrepreneurship in India and Asian countries. Research and development became the backbone of WE’s commitment to creating a sustainable and supportive ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.
The journey of “WE Today,” a modest monthly newsletter, began in 2019. Responding to overwhelming feedback and an increasing demand for stories of empowerment, in 2020, Women Entrepreneurs Foundation took a giant leap by launching the Business Socio Magazine (Digital). This evolution transformed the initial newsletter into a dynamic magazine, capturing the essence of the entrepreneurial world and celebrating the spirit of businesses of all types. The success of the WE Today Magazine, with a readership surpassing 35,000 individuals, speaks volumes about the growing support and active participation of the community.
Together, Women Entrepreneurs Foundation and its members are crafting a future where women entrepreneurs not only thrive but also inspire generations to come. As WE continue to break barriers and redefine norms, it paves the way for a more inclusive and diverse business landscape worldwide, proving that when women support each other, incredible things happen.