What we need is perseveration. And it starts here – with me and with all of us in this room.
Nisha Bansal (Regional M&G business promotion North Delhi 2020)
A young girl from small district red corridor, in India Latehar, why not for girls”- a notion and an innocent question rooted in her thoughts since childhood whether be household chores, birthday celebrations, education, or helping father in business.
At the tender age she was sent to state capital Ranchi to learn at missionary school. Hostel life in primary school has taught her to contribute in society irrespective of gender. Being eldest among sibling she is the chosen one to be sincere, disciplined and maintain unconventional personality at the same time.
After completing secondary school she chose to pursue her high school from Mussoorie, Uttrakhand, and graduation from Delhi University. By the time she realised that their is unexplained ideological difference on role of women in economic development of nation. India is accompanied by majority of Asian, European and countries including those from American continent as well, witnessing diversified approach to status of women in society and many unanswered questions.
Nisha chose to pursue her masters from Tata Institute of Social Sciences and published her findings through thesis on “marriage and its effects on women at various levels from time to time.”
Nisha has closely worked with established NGO’s, at national capital, female politicians on ground level, and International Labor Organisation.
In first trimester of year 2019 she participated in round table conference on “Women Entrepreneurial Growth & Leadership in India” hosted by the Founder of Women Entrepreneurs Foundation at Delhi and within the span of time became the Regional Head of Delhi Inner Circle “Delhi Innings”. In her leadership her team and peers have generated business worth INR One million.
Within a short span of one year she became the Editor of The WE Today (publication dedicated to raising contribution of women in national GDP) and National Head of Centre For Research and Development Women Entrepreneurs Foundation. On 29 February 2020 she was honoured with The Maroon Badge of Honour at Delhi by the Founder of the Organisation.
Nisha Bansal is the first and only leader till date to receive Maroon badge of Honour by Women Entrepreneurs Foundation for her committed efforts and vision.
“Narrating NISHA is an honest attempt to create awareness on ideology – be a part of solution, everyone is aware of problem”. Our challenges & resources to face those might be different but we all can contribute our bit to solution or at least tackle the problem together by joining hands and shining together.