Sunny Sharma, a 22-year-old residing in Sagarpur, Southwest Delhi, commutes to Aanchal Special School in Chanakyapuri’s Kautilya Marg. Despite facing intellectual disability and hearing impairment, Sunny actively engages in art and craftwork, showcasing remarkable talent. His exceptional skills prompted early entry into vocational courses at 16, where he adeptly crafts hundreds of paper bags and guides others effortlessly.

At Aanchal, where students grapple with intellectual and functional disabilities, even basic tasks like tying shoelaces and self-feeding require continuous practice. Managed by the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), this 5-year-old institution not only nurtures language skills but also provides vocational training to integrate students into society between ages 18 to 25.

Principal Navita Narang proudly shares success stories like Mani Shankar working with ONGC, Bhuvnesh excelling as a dancer, and two married girls leading fulfilling lives. Shubham Gaur, a 20-year-old from Paharganj, joined Aanchal during the pandemic, showcasing bright talents in stitching and quiz competitions despite academic challenges.

With 12 special educators and three vocational trainers, the school offers personalized attention to 100 students, focusing on basic education, functional academics, and practical life skills. Chairman Amit Yadav highlights the emphasis on communication and vocational skills, promoting self-reliance among students.

The institution prioritizes recreational activities alongside education. Six students participated in global special Olympics events, securing accolades like a second prize in bocce ball in Australia (2012).

Open admissions, free transport, mid-day meals, and comprehensive support draw students from distant areas, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. Social worker B Uma underscores the challenges and individualized assessments, tailoring activities based on capabilities and fostering holistic growth.

Speech therapy sessions conducted thrice a week aid in early identification and treatment of associated issues, while vocational courses in carpentry, paper craft, art, and sewing empower students from 18 to 25 years, aiming for rehabilitation and successful job placements.

Aanchal stands as a beacon of hope, offering weekdays between 9 am and 3 pm for admissions and inquiries.