Even though the world has started recognizing the need for women to be independent in all spheres of life, still, discrimination against women exists. At workplaces, women tend to face many problems including sexual harassment, unequal pay, not getting credit for their contributions, and many more. Most of the gender initiatives of the organizations are emphasized towards that how women should behave and respond, largely excluding males from the discussion.
According to pieces of evidence, 96% of organizations experience actual progress toward gender equality when men are purposefully involved in gender inclusion programs, compared to only 30% of organizations when men are not.
Males can collaborate with female workers to advance women’s careers in leadership by dispelling gender preconceptions, dispelling unconscious biases, nurturing brilliant women nearby, and fostering more effective working conditions.
Gender equality approaches should not only emphasize on gender-specific interests and demands of women and girls. The gender equality approach should also ensure women’s participation & leadership in the implementation and evaluation of mitigation.
To catalyze systemic and long-lasting change there is a strong need to increase funding/financing for gender equality to fully utilize technology and innovation and to create a development inclusive environment for the women and girls who face discrimination of multiple forms.
Reference: https://hbr.org/webinar/2020/07/the-missing-link-in-gender-equality-efforts